Learn more about Sendeze
Do I need to register for GST as a Mover with Sendeze?
As an Sendeze mover, regardless of your income, you must account for GST on all earnings. This means that if you only make $100 total as a driver, you will need to register for GST and declare the income on your tax return. Drivers are also entitled to a range of tax...
Why do I need an ABN number to register as a Mover with Sendeze ?
If you are a driver for a ride-sharing or courier service such as Sendeze you must register for an Australian Business Number (ABN). At present, ride-share drivers are considered independent contractors based on a range of factors. These include the driver’s ability...
If I register as an ezeMover, how and when do I get paid?
As part of registering as an ezeMover, you provide your bank details. All payments are paid directly into your bank account. Payment frequency is weekly, and all confirmed deliveries from Monday to Sunday in a particular week are paid on the Friday of the following...
What if my Sendeze bid is accepted but I am unable to perform the listing?
If your bid is accepted and you are then unable to complete it, Sendeze recommend getting in touch with the Sendeze sender. Explain the situation and together provide an amicable solution together. If necessary contact Sendeze.
What if items to be delivered or the locations are not as described?
If the Sendeze listing was misleading or the items are not as described, Sendeze recommend you get in touch with the Sendeze Sender. Explain the situation and together provide an amicable solution together. If necessary contact Sendeze.
Am I able to contact the Sendeze sender?
Once your Sendeze bid has been accepted, Sendeze will provide you with the Sendeze Sender contact details, including mobile and email. You'll be able to see these details until 3 days after the Sendeze listing period has closed.
Can I retract my Sendeze bid?
No. Once you have bid on a Sendeze listing, you cannot retract it. If your bid is accepted and you are then unable to complete it, Sendeze recommend you get in touch with the Sendeze sender imemediately to resolve the situation.
How do I bid on a Sendeze listing?
Have you found a Sendeze listing to bid on to become the ezemover? On the listing page fill in the $ amount you are happy to get paid to complete the listing. Remember the ezesender will have set a price. This is a good indication of the range of your bid.
How do I find Sendeze listings to bid on?
Using our search functionality, you'll be able to look for Sendeze listings to collect and deliver within a radius of a given postage. You'll also be able to search for Sendeze listings with a set price or of a particular type.
Can I send dangerous goods?
It is forbidden to send Dangerous goods. The below list is not exhaustive. You must declare if any dangerous goods not listed below are contained or present in your listing. Laws and regulations govern the transportation of freight. Heavy penalties (including...
Having trouble entering your address?
Like the whole online world, sendeze relies heavily on the most up to date data from Google. To put it simply, if your address is not in Google then it won't appear on sendeze. You will simply need to enter your address manually as prompted. You will also need to add...
Are my Sendeze items insured?
There is a basic Sendeze warranty for delivery failure, set at $100 per listing.
Can I cancel a Sendeze listing?
Yes, you can cancel a Sendeze listing so long as you have not accepted any Sendeze mover bids. If you have accepted a Sendeze mover bid, you will not be allowed to cancel the listing. Sendze recommend you get in touch with the Sendeze mover and discuss directly with...
Can I modify my Sendeze listing after I have submitted it?
No you cannot. Once your Sendeze listing is submitted, you will be unable to edit it. If you want edit your Sendeze listing, we recommend you cancel the listing and resubmit. You are however unable to cancel a Sendeze listing you have accepted a bid on.
When do I get charged for my Sendeze listing?
You will be charged as soon as you accept a Sendeze mover bid. You will be prompted to pay via Paypal.
What if no one bids on my listing or I don’t accept any bids?
If no one bids on your listing or you don't accept any bids you receive, your job will automatically expire. You can try listing your job again, perhaps with a lower offer price or with a more detailed description to try and encourage more bidders.
How will I know if my item has been delivered?
There will be various status points in your Sendeze listing. Each will be updated live so that you can track via the Sendeze website if necessary. You'll also be able to check what the current status of the Sendeze listing via my account on the Sendeze website....
How do I know if my item will be delivered safely?
Sendeze has a rating system, ratings from 1 to 5. 5 being 100% satisfaction. At the completion of each Sendeze listing, both Sendeze mover and Sendeze sender are encouraged to rate each other. This takes into account promptness of collection, delivery and...
How do I contact the Sendeze mover?
Both parties will be provided basic details to ensure you have contact if required. Sendeze have systems in place to enable you to have live access to listing. Sendeze know listings can change from time to time. You will have access to the Sendeze mover if required.
What happens if my Sendeze listing was not delivered?
Once an offer is accepted, what is the process?
Once you accept an offer, it becomes binding between you who listed the job (sender) and the Sendeze Mover (courier) who you have agreed to complete the listing. Full details of addresses and contact information will be passed onto the Sendeze Mover to enable...
How will I know if my Sendeze listing has any offers?
You will be alerted by email of offers and if your listing may be coming to the end of the expiry time. Options will be offered on how you proceed.
When is the last time a Sendeze Mover can accept bids?
Dependant on the service level you require, the Sendeze listing will either expire or ask if you wish to extend the pick up time. You can accept bids on your listing up to 15 minutes hours prior to pick up time. Once expired, your job will expire. A message will be...
How does the Sendeze bid process work?
A message will be sent to you from the Sendeze Mover to alert you of the counter offer. You may receive multiple offers on your listing. It will ultimately up to you to choose the Sendeze Mover based on the offer and their profile and/or feedback reviews.
How does a Sendeze mover accept my listing price?
The Sendeze mover may elect to accept your listing price or may elect to counter offer your listing price. You will be alerted and can decide whether you accept or reject the Sendeze Mover offer and wait until another Sendeze Mover accepts your listed price.
How do I set a price for my Sendeze listing?
This process will ask for specific information on the type of delivery and the service level of the delivery. In return, Sendeze will provide you with industry rate estimate for what the delivery may cost. This is a guide only. You can choose to ignore it or set your...
What are my payment options?
You can pay via Paypal or Credit Card.
How do I post a new Sendeze listing?
To list a new item, firstly sign into Sendeze using your Facebook or Twitter account. Once signed in, complete details to create a listing. Sendeze also requires a PayPal Account. Sendeze will not operate until your Paypal account has been verified.